Friday, July 1, 2011

Thursday's Recap

It is day four here in Haiti and God's grace continues to amaze us as we continue our ministry here. Similar to yesterday, the medical and VBS team were again split to go to two different locations. The medical team went back to Marlique to a location about ten minutes from where they were yesterday and the VBS team stayed in Calabasse. God continues to build a strong unity not only with the team as a whole but with each smaller team and translators as well.

The medical team was able to serve more than 85 people today and was set up similarly to how it was yesterday. It was such a pleasure to see some of the people we had met the day before waiting for us with smiles and waves as our bus pulled in. Some had been there the day before to see the doctor and because of time restraints had been told to return the next day. Others were simply men, women, and children we had befriended the day before that wanted to come again to be with us. There was even one little boy who was intent on helping us share the gospel with those waiting in line through the gospel bracelets we had brought. The day ran very smoothly with each member of the team working together to successfully care for the physical and spiritual needs of the Haitian people.
The VBS team had about 175 - 250 children at various times, come to participate today and each day that number seems to be increasing. They played games in the earlier part of the morning and did some teaching and songs towards the afternoon. Today they talked about the parable to the Sower and how we need to hear the truth of God and respond to it. Philip B. and Katie R. are both feeling well and were able to once again help with the kids. There were several difficult and unexpected situations that presented themselves throughout the day but God graced the team with the ability to deal with each situation well. It's amazing how, by the grace of God, a small group of seven people can lead this many children that do not understand English very well.

Don taught today at the convention. He recapped his messages from yesterday in the morning and continued on with his series during the day. The number of people attending the conference seems to be increasing daily (today there were 120 - 130). Greg stayed at the convention center to teach later in the night after the rest of the team headed back to the Bethel House. He met up with us later that night for another wonderful time of fellowship and sharing.

God continues to meet each of us in amazing ways while we are here and we appreciate all of your prayers for us during this time. So many of them have been answered and we are grateful that you are able to
labor with us in this mission.

-  Deborah  


  1. Wow! That is so cool how many people you guys were able to serve through each team! So glad to hear what God is is always a joy to read each post!!! Praying for the VBS team and the difficulties they are facing!

  2. Hi Deb
    Thanks for the update it is wonderful that the numbers keep increasing and the gospel is being shared. Hope things are well with you, with faith that the Lord will meet each of you in amazing ways. Love you lots and miss you all!
