After we finally left the creche at around 9am, we settled into 2 of the trucks along with the medical team. We drove for a while and after dropping them off at their new location, the rest of the VBS team crowded into one truck and began the long 2 and a half hour trip up the mountain. The ride in itself is not very comfortable, especially for such a long distance with limited space avaliable. The truck we used today was even smaller than the truck we used before, so we had to pack in even tighter. We usually pack around 6-7 people in the back of the truck and around 5 more inside of the truck along with the driver if we're in for more of a tight fit that day. Today, the VBS team was tracy s., lisa s., jaclyn, ryan, carrie, kristina w., and mary. We took a break about half way up the mountain to stop at a store that we have been using to purchase cold drinks for the rest of our day, since there is no water for us to drink at our VBS locations outside of what we bring ourselves. During this rest stop, our car overheated, and when we went to restart the car the radiator blew and hot water started pouring out of the car, and we could not seem to start the car up. We began rolling backwards down the mountain with random men and children pushing us, until the car got enough momentum to start itself up. During this time, ryan in his attempt to serve, decided that since we all were sitting in the truck (adding weight to the truck being pushed) that he would jump out and push too. This did serve the team, only Darby's father who was driving the truck did not know ryan jumped out to help. This meant that when the truck finally started, ryan had to chase down the truck and dive over the edge, landing the back of the truck on top of everyone else. Thankfully no one was hurt from this, but it definitely made us all laugh and was the begining of our adventures for the day. The truck delay put our team even futher behind by about an hour, so we did not arrive at our location until around 12:40pm. We did not get to start our VBs until around 1:30pm. above is a picture of ryan as he landed in the back of the truck.

there had been a miscommunication regarding the vbs and medical clinic, and the people at the vbs were expecting medical treatment, even though our medical team was not there. since steve has pharmaceutical experience, and because the people had been waiting for hours, he decided not to turn them away, but to treat them with the help of a translator who was also a doctor. he saw 80 patients in 2 hours, and gave away a lot of non-prescription medications. we are going to try to do a "real" medical clinic up at that location later in the week. to the left is steve working with a translator, jeanette (in the red shirt), handing out medicine.

while steve was running his clinic, the rest of the team set up their vbs. they started out with about 20 youngkids, but by the time they were done, between 150 and 200 kids had trickled in. they all really enjoyed the craftthat they did and seemed very attentive to the skit that was performed (about esther) also. they had 3 men helpingthem translate, but the kids tended to be very rowdy, and everyone, especially our people, seemed to have a hard time keeping control of the kids. when they started acting up, ryan took most of the boys outside to play soccer,which they were excited about. to the left is tracy being swarmed by children who want the stickers she is handing out.

meanwhile, the girls started a game of duck duck goose, which got changed to duck duck chicken, because the children had no idea what a goose was. they had never heard of the game and really enjoyed playing it with the girls from our team. all of our girls fell while they were demonstrating or playing, because the tile floor of the church was so slippery. the kids were especially entertained by all of the falling, even though the team was really embarrassed, since even the adult translators were laughing at them. they thought the game was going well, until a point when there was some confusion about who tagged who and two of the girls got into a very aggressive fist fight. it actually got really vicious and the girls had to be pulled apart, and one of them was removed because she would not calm down. this shocked our team, because they weren't prepared for that type of thing to happen. they didn't realize that the game would be that important to them, and it was obvious that the kids just don't live by the same kinds of rules that we are used to in our country. above are lisa s and jaclyn playing duck duck goose.
they closed up the vbs with a song, which one of the haitian women demonstrated with the kids. because the kids interact so differently than what we are used to, the team is going to try to make some adjustments to their plans to try to accomodate the kids better, and insert the gospel more boldly. please be praying for their efforts in that. it will take some time,which we don't have much of, and the team is returning to that location tomorrow (tuesday) afternoon.
the team then drove the 2 and a half hours back down the mountain in the back of the pickup truck. however, the ridetook longer, because they had to wait to pick up the medical team. when they finally returned around 7, they headed straight to the village to join the rest of the team for a late dinner.

the medical team (sarah, kristen, rachel m and lorri), along with darby, split off from the vbs team and continued driving in another direction towards the church where they were to have their clinic. after driving, they had to actually walk another 15 minutes, carrying the suitcases full of medical supplies. their walk took them through alleys, a ravine, a dump and a tent city. there were no roads leading to the place where they went. when they arrived, there was someone with a megaphone who had been going through the area like a town crier announcing the clinic. they saw about 50 patients and had to turn away about 25 more because they ran out of time. however, the people they saw had a lot of serious conditions. they were in extreme poverty; one woman had not eaten since the previous day, and even that was only a little bit of rice, because she could afford nothing more. that was probably typical of most of the patients. it was a chaotic experience, because the people were so desperate, and also because the pastor and other church leaders who were supposed to help with control were not all present. the team is planning to return there tomorrow, provided that there is a guarantee of those other leaders being able to be there, both for safety and for organization. the patients who were turned away were told to come back, and i'm sure there will be many others who will also show up. please be praying for their safety, and that those men would be there. we are learning how much plans change around here, but we hope that at least that much will go according to plan. above is lorri treating one of the patients in the clinic.

while the vbs and medical teams were off having their adventures, the construction team spent the day at the village. lisa g. and anna were with us to do childcare, and robin was also with us to work with the cook. the pace in the village was much slower than what we were hoping for. we did get work done, but there were also various projects that couldn't be completed, or took much longer than they should have, for logistical reasons. the team did a great job of taking those frustrations to God in prayer, trying to seek his will and find ways to demonstrate the gospel. we also used our down time to pray for the other teams, which it seems like they really needed! we were able to do some block work on the second floor of one of the buildings. dave p. and dan installed some new shelves in the food depot, and the girls organized baby formula and food and stocked the newly completed shelves. dave n., matt b. and matt s. also spent some time working back at the creche, fixing the second shower, which did not work. it wasn't quite ready to use tonight, because some caulk was still drying and there are concerns about water pressure, but i'm sure we will get to try it out before the week is over. that will really serve us well, as we currently have a long sign up sheet for showers every morning and evening. there are 25 of us sharing one bathroom. to the left are dave p and dan working to install the new shelves.
we were able to share all of your comments with the team, and they were greatly encouraged to hear from a lot of you. it really is very meaningful to get these messages from home - we can see it on the faces of people as we tell them, or let them read for themselves, what you have said.
kristina asked us to tell her parents that she has not forgotten you, but she has forgotten your phone number, which is why you haven't heard from her!
for those of you asking about robin, she is doing well. she has learned that she can't tolerate the heat very well, but has been able to adjust and work within her means. she is really doing a great job serving our team - she is responsible for our meals, often rising very early to prepare breakfast for the teams that need to leave first. she is also staying very flexible, as our plans for meals often change. like, for instance, when she opens the pancake mix and finds it swarming with critters. she always comes up with a backup plan to see that we are taken care of!
please continue to share your comments, or even to ask questions if you like. and please keep praying for us as we continue to adjust our schedules and plans. things never seem to function the way we expect, time-wise. at least according to our plans, tomorrow should look very much like today, but of course we don't know what will really happen.
Well, that fight must have been interesting.I wouldn't read too much into it. Kids have so little that even a recognition is something...Just keep on loving them. I laughed when I read about the Ryan having to run and jump into the truck, as well as the rain and the failed brakes. Trial by fire in Haiti. You gotta love it. Just don't let the obstacles get you down. Imagine how difficult it is to live with all of this all the time. As my daughter says, Its just Haiti! If you don't let anything steal your joy, you'll be ok. Hang in there and savor the moments.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I don't understand, though is that its 12:35 here on tuesday, so how did you get all that done before now?
ReplyDeleteOh I get it, you are writing one day behind! Duh!
ReplyDeleteDearest Kristina - I called mom and dad and relayed the information you gave me. Dad is bragging about how well we support each other - which goes without saying because you are unquestionably the best sister and best friend a girl could have. As for their number - take the area code, flip the last two numbers around for the middle three digits and for the final four - 3737. Kisses - Nicki
ReplyDeleteFor Kristina, no big deal about the number, What you see is what Mom and I saw in Thailand and Vietnam many years ago. love you TTFN
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing the detailed updates. Grateful to know all of the events and how God is using each of you. We will be praying for your safety and ability to serve those in need and sharing the gospel.
ReplyDeleteIn Christ - Jordan Family
I am so proud of each of you for the way you are seeking to humbly and joyfully serve and represent Christ and His gospel in what sounds like extremely challenging circumstances at times. I was reading through
ReplyDeletesome of Paul's letters this morning and was struck by how many times Paul's plans were changed as he ministered the gospel in different places. The Lord IS directing your steps guys! Each day, my kids and I gather around the computer to read the blog and look at the pictures and we have a great time of discussion and prayer. Your service and example is not only making a difference in Haiti, but within our own church family as we get to share this experience with you through these blog updates. I leave you with Paul's hope in II Cor. 1:8-10 and this quote by the puritan Thomas Wilcox: "Judge not Christ's love by providences, but by promise (Ps.73; Heb. 11:1; Ecc. 9)... You who have seen Christ as ALL, and yourself absolutely nothing, who make Christ all your life, and are dead to all righteousness besides; you are the Christian, one highly beloved, who has found favour with God. Do Christ this one favour for all His love to you---love all His poor saints and people, the meanest, the weakest, notwithstanding any difference in judgement." [ Tracy, I love you and miss you!!! I had a special date with D and A today since Stephen and Abbie were over the Dubells. Becky comes to the house tonight so I can get some work done at the office.] Grace and peace!
Once again thank you for sharing your days with us. We are always excited to see a new post. The kids and I are anxious to see you Matt S. We miss you terribly and not a moment goes by that you are not thought about. We love you honey!!
ReplyDeleteTracey S and the kiddies. Ohh and Chester, Tony, Brownie and Henry too. We all miss you!!
Wow, what chaos and wildness! Take things one hour, one minute at a time. God's grace comes as you need it, along the way, not all ahead of time. You are doing precious work of God whether you actually see any results or not. I will be praying for gospel opportunities for the VBS. Yeah, I've broken up a few girl-fights on my job; those fights can be rough. I will pray for those two girls to return to VBS and have a life-changing experience in the power of the gospel. Roomie/Carie, i miss ya and so does Stormy. Love and prayers to you all, Janet Fonda.
ReplyDeleteThis is for Mommy (Tracy) Smith from Stephen & Abbie: "We miss you tons! can't wait for Sat.(more like sunday : D) for you to come back see you soon!
Stephen, Abbie Smith
Good to hear you are all doing better, and busy doing God's work. Even the little things contribute a lot in the Lord's eyes. Lisa, I was just mentioning at family time Sunday how I missed you, your smile and kind words. I'm so glad your able to be apart of this important work God has sent you all to do. Kristen~ I've also been praying for you as well. Haven't heard if your back has been a problem, but I know God will give you grace and wisdom as you work out the challenges @ your clinics. Matt's 2X~ I' so proud of you both for wanting to serve in the big and the small chores. Each thing you do can still bless many lives. Look for opportunities to bless and Give God Praise In All You Do.
ReplyDelete~Love You all for your sacrifice. Take care of each other. ~Dan G.
As many have already said, your blog updates are such a blessing, enabling those of us at home to share in your adventures! Our family enjoys reading them and praying for you. We are inspired by your joyful servanthood, love for others and flexibility in less than favorable conditions.
ReplyDeleteMay you continue to live by faith and trust the Lord to direct your steps as He promises (Prov 20:24).
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
I Cor 15:58
Blessings to you all,
The Belzner family
PS -- Lisa G., Tyler and Kayla send you lots of love :-)
Oh Ryan, why am I not surprised you were the one to have to dive into the back of a moving truck, LOL I love you and be careful!!! Also thank you so much for calling, it made my week! I called and told your mom that we had spoken, she was very excited.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you all are doing an awesome job being flexible and serving humbly! I continue to pray for productivity, health and spiritual renewal in Haiti!
Love, Jess
Hi Louie!
ReplyDeleteIt was great to hear your voice yesterday.I love you and the kids all send their love.
Lil Shaney misses his Pop Pop and his "haagen Dazs" time with you. (I have one waiting in the freezer for ya)
We continue to pray for you and all those on the teams who are serving.
Love you,
We love you Dad, you are in our prayers everyday. We miss you but are so proud of all you are doing !
Kevin, cassidy, Max
Miss you Pop Pop!
Love, Shane & Renee
I have a question, when you say that some of the team are on "Child Care Duty", what exactly does that mean? Watching children of some of the other workers? Serving the women in the village?
ReplyDeleteAunt Mary, Lucy says hello!
Allyson, thanks for the updates, we thoroughly enjoy your writing style... we know it is time comsuming and probably the last thing you feel like doing after a long hard day, thank you for serving us so well.
Mr. Dave/Dad, Glad to see you know how to hold up some shelves! lol. Ryan says that it is really quiet at your house now without you... obviously another joke. We miss you and are praying for you.
Love to all,
Ryan and Janet Price
Thanks Dave N for sharing your phone! My children were very comforted from hearing their Daddy's voice(as was I).
ReplyDeleteTo David P...we are sooooo proud of you and your decision to serve in Haiti as you are! You are an amazing example of obedience to the Lord knowing full well you would be stretched throughout this time!!! We highly respect your commitment to Christ. Your life decisions continue to quietly reflect the behind the scenes care, love, generosity and support that you provide for many people extending well beyond your own family. Often, your actions speak louder than words.
ReplyDelete"My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Cor 12
Will continue to support you in prayer knowing that our heavenly Father eagerly answers..."And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen." Phil 4
As I read all that you and the team are experiencing and doing, tears are streaming down my face. Have been praying for you that God would strengthen you physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
Ditto Trudie's comment above! Matt it was great to hear your voice babe! Got to share with Sara some of your experiences there - we will be praying for you. I am so glad you are there to serve. All - it is encouraging to hear how you are trusting the Lord for the details. He goes before you!
ReplyDeleteHi team -
ReplyDeleteHow exciting your adventures sound!
I was listening to Keith Green's "Sheep and the Goats" song with the kids yesterday morning, and God brought it to mind as I read through your blog today:
"I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was a stranger, and you invited me in. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me."
Then they will say to him, "Lord, when?"
"In as much as you've done it to the least of my brethren, you've done it unto me! Thank you! Enter into your rest!"
Be sure that He sees everything you've done for Him, and will reward you!
Lisa G. - praying for you, hon!
Kristina W. - Keeping you in mind as I see temperatures soaring there! I'm praying God will keep you cool and help you sleep :-)
Love, Christy H.
Your determination and unity as a team is so inspiring! I'm sure you've all heard numerous times that God will surely equip you for whatever He may have for you, and at exactly the moment that He says...never too early and most definitely never too late!
ReplyDeleteThank you for keeping us updated on the happenings in Haiti :-) You'll continue to be lifted up in prayer!!
To Lorri...As I was reading the unexpected adventures and tremendous challenges you all are experiencing, I am reminded of your character, Lorri...one that never complains but is most eager to serve and serve cheerfully. I can picture you in Haiti continuing to faithfully walk as a cheerful giver, never uttering one negative word or complaint.
ReplyDelete"So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. As it is written: 'He has dispersed abroad, He has given to the poor; His righteousness endures forever.' Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God." 2 Cor 9
Am looking forward to hearing all about what God is doing when you return home.
"Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.
Your friend, Patti W
HI gang! I was just catching up on your updates...and am amazed at the grace God has given you all to do this work, and thankful for the funny respites he has given you. I have bene praying (and will continue to do so) that you will continue to serve joyfully- despite the various challenges, that you will be a blessing to those there- as it seems you are already!, and that you will all be safe and return changed by all that God is doing in you and through you!
ReplyDeletep.s. to those who may be wondering, I think Baby G wants to wait for your return to be born, as she has NOT come yet!!
Miss and love you!!
Amy (and Brian) Smith
ReplyDeleteTrying to be strong without you.... but nothing is the same when you aren't here. Nothing is a sweet. Nothing is as fun without my BFF.
I am sure that you and the teams there in Haiti are growing and God is revealing so much to you as you serve and care for those who have lost so much...
God is also working on the hearts of your family here at home too.
I, myself realize that I take for granted so many of the things you do for your family, how much of a partner you are to me, how well you care and provide for us.
I always knew you were a good man, but covering for you is a big job because you do so much.
My heart is truly in Haiti,
To the team: Just as others have posted I really appreciate hearing all the adventures God has given you and how you are responding with grace to the trials and change of plans! God is pleased with your service of love! It seems God is teaching you to be content like Paul in whatever the situation in any and every circumstance learning the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. then Paul concludes "I can do all things through him who strenthens me"
ReplyDeleteRachel B. and Anna I love and miss you and it was really good to hear your voices. FYI to Steve
Sage is in heat! Much love to you.
Hey Haiti team! I hope that you all are refreshed and ready to start another adventure! It is so encouraging to hear everyday how the King has been working in each of you! How great and mighty our God is to work through creatures such as us! Mike V. miss you and I HOPE post that your team wins the championship game tonight but we will see :) To Steve B, Daddy I miss you alot and I am so grateful for how you sacrifice for me. I am praying for you! I love you tons! My Rachie, hope that you are well and enjoying every moment that you are in Haiti perhaps after I take you and anna to India, you can take me to haiti!:) I miss you so much and one of the fun things I miss is quoting movies with you :)My Nannie I miss you!! It is werid not having a roommate and having to ask you to turn off your alarm :) But I love you! Auntie Robin, I miss you alot too and gracie is doing very well I am going to go over your house today to check up on her! Ryan R, praying for you and miss you and I must admit running down a truck and jumping into the back is epic! lol Mary N, I miss you too! I can't wait to hear stories! I am praying for you my dear! Oh and I heard our song and I want to be a billionaire so freakin bad, smiling next to Opra and the Queen (Whatup Opra)! hahah Lisa S. I miss you and am praying for you too! I miss being able to text you! To my other family in Christ, may God bless you and keep you and may his face shine upon you and give you peace! I love you all! I can't wait to see you all! ~Love, Sarah B
ReplyDeleteNate says:Please ask people if they remember me, they prob. do because I have the same skin as them too. Ask them to come to our country to be friends with me and the dubells. Love, nate
Hey Haiti Team! Mitch and I have been praying for you! Thanks for the way you have been serving and be safe riding on the roof of the trucks!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDad (Dave N): we love you and miss you and are looking forward to seeing you when you get back. Mom has been updating me on everything - and I will keep trying to send you text messages.