our team was split up again today, in pretty much the same way as yesterday. one switch was that tracy stayed back at the village, and mike went to vbs. also, pastor steve went to the medical clinic to handle the pharmacy and kristen went with the vbs team. both the vbs and medical teams returned very excited and encouraged about their days. God really answered all of the prayers that we had after the previous day's experience.

the medical team returned to the same location that they were in yesterday. it sounds like they maybe did not treat quite as many patients, but for those that they did see, they were able to care for them more completely. they even had time to pray with many of the patients. they saw some very serious cases again, but also had some wonderful encouragement: there were two girls who were brought to them yesterday and were almost as limp as dish rags in the arms of their caretakers. they were treated and given medicine, and returned today dressed in their sunday best and were skipping all around! the team was really blessed to see how God worked to restore their health so quickly. that was definitely one of the highlights for them. pastor steve also enjoyed some time to teach some of the children american football. to the left is a picture of sarah, our nurse practitioner, treating one of the patients. sarah has also done a great job attending to the medical needs of our team. nobody is terribly sick, but there are some small complications that she has been treating for us, or at least advising us on.

the vbs team also returned to the same location, darby's father's church. they did not have the same issues with controlling the children today. they had a slightly smaller group, maybe about 90 children. this is probably at least partly due to the fact that it was raining most of the day. they also had more effective translators, and the kids were better behaved. the skit that they did went great, and so did the craft. ryan and mike got a chance to play soccer with some of the kids outside. at one point after the gospel was shared, they asked for a show of hands if any children would like to pray to be saved. there was one child who seemed to at least show an interest, and there could possibly have been others just not brave enough to raise their hands. so, the team did lead them in a prayer to accept Christ. there won't really be an opportunity to follow up on that, but we are asking that God would have granted salvation to at least some in the group. to the left is a picture of mike playing soccer with some boys.

the work at the village was a very similar pace to yesterday. the guys doing the block work on that second story room made a lot of progress. at the end of the day, they also were able to take down the wood framing around the concrete that we poured earlier in the week. to the left is a picture of the concrete team, and the haitian contractors that they have been working with all week.

matt b spent most of his day doing a variety of odd jobs. he fixed one of the vehicles that the village owns, and alsospent a lot of time working on some plumbing repairs at the guesthouse where we are staying (the creche). to the left is a picture of matt working on the truck.
dave p and allyson started working to create screens for the windows at the creche. several of the windows don't have any, so we were asked to build some to help with mosquito control... and to add a layer of rat screen as well. we took measurements and cut all the material fort he frames, and tomorrow we will probably finish up constructing and installing the screens.

because things were a little slow, especially in the morning, a few of the women on our team asked the haitian women to show us how to do the laundry. these women work all day scrubbing clothes, linens and towels, for about $10. it seemed like a good opportunity to get to interact with them.. but for those of us who tried it, i think we are all feeling very thankful for our washing machines back home! to the left is a picture of anna and allyson working with the laundry women.

last but not least, here is a picture of robin cleaning out some dishes in the village. robin serves us tirelessly with food prep, and we are so thankful for her. please be praying in particular for those serving at the village as they continue to try to serve with joy amidst some unexpected difficulties. for some people especially, it seems to be getting increasingly challenging as the week goes on, and so we are asking that God would change things just as He did for the vbs and medical teams, who both felt extremely challenged yesterday and really experienced God's grace today. please also pray for the health of the construction team. several of the guys have felt a little light-headed at various points. it is very hot and we are doing our best to stay hydrated and eat healthy snacks. we hear that the heat index issupposed to be near 140 tomorrow (wednesday) so we would really appreciate your prayers all the more.
as an interesting sidenote, a reporter arrived today who will be staying at the village for a few days. she was in haiti the day after the earthquake and is now following up on some stories. she works with an nbc affililate out of florida. who knows, perhaps we will be able to find some of her stories online after we return.
lastly, we loved getting our little care packages from the pastoral team last night. it was a great surprise and we all appreciate the thoughtfulness in finding out what each of our favorite snacks are. thank you so much!
to answer the question about child care at the village... some of the kids are the children of the women who live in the village, but most of them are orphans who live here. there are kids ages from probably about 4 months up to 6 years old. the women here will bathe the children and change diapers, but our team helps out in many other ways during the day: administering daily vitamins and some prescription antibiotics, watching out for the ones old enough to be running through the village, making sure babies get fed and just providing general stimulation.
tomorrow (wednesday) we will again have a team at the village, a medical clinic, and vbs. the vbs will be in a different locationwith a different group of kids. a few people are being swapped between teams, because there are some who would like to experience the areas they have not been involved in yet. we don't know yet what all of the changes will be, but we are as always praying for God's help in adjusting our attitudes and expecations, and having the humility to serve in whatever way is asked of us.
thanks again for all of your prayers and comments. we are happy to be here serving, but also missing our loved ones at home, so we really appreciate hearing from you all.
allyson (and lisa), you are doing and excellent job of keeping the whole experience in front of us with great detail!! Thank you for your tireless service to the whole body back home, it really helps to be able to pray more specifically.
ReplyDeleteMark D.
Great to hear about all your adventures gang. I can't wait to swap stories with you. From the pictures, it looks as though you are serving joyfully despite difficult circumstances at times and hot weather. Praying for times of refreshing from the Lord and that He will grow you and make you more like Himself through all that you experience. Much love to all!
ReplyDeleteA note for Matt B from his kids - Daddy, I miss you and i'll still always love you. I am having a great time at the beach. E. Daddy i love you and i love it when you play tickle monster and pretend to eat us. James.
ReplyDeleteHon - it was great to see your picture!!! It makes me appreciate all the more the service you are doing by being down there. I Love you. = C
All - reading these updates really brings home to me the word sacrifice - in doing what you are doing, it is like Elisabeth Elliott says - sacrifice is my life for yours. Thank you for putting life into those words and being the hands and feet of Christ to those around you.
ReplyDeleteI love you. You are the best dad ever.. I am so proud of you. I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get home. Thank you for serving God this way.
Maddy Strong
i miss you a lot daddy. i m glad i got to talk to you yesterday. i cant wait to see you again. im praying for you
ReplyDeleteThanks for another great post & pictures. I so enjoy reading these! Tracy--the kids and I were praying for the team and for you and when we were done, D said, "Hey, I want to pray too." I said, "go ahead" and we all waited. He sighed loudly and said, "but I don't know how to pray daddy." It was one of those little moments. He was like the disciples in Luke 11 when after they heard Jesus praying, came and said to him, 'teach us to pray.' This led to a little discussion on what prayer is. Thought you would like to hear a story from home. Hey team, I just want to remind you of Matthew 5:5 - " Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Jesus himself said, "I am gentle and humble in heart." He was the incarnation of meekness. In respect to his own person, he practiced neither retaliation nor vindictiveness. When even his own friends betrayed him, he didn't complain or take up a reproach. Yet, when it came to matters of the Kingdom and the welfare of others, Jesus was a like a lion. Meekness is like tender steal, great strength with great self-control, which is displayed through great costly love. I love this quote by Martyn Lloyd-Jones, "The man who is truly meek is the man who who is amazed that God and man can think of him as well as they do and treat him as well as they do. The test as to whether we are truly meek is not whether we can say we ARE poor sinners, but rather what we DO when someone else calls us vile sinners." Team, when I read the way you all are working together, serving each other, laying your life down for others, fighting for joy in God, you all are an example of meekness and Jesus says there is some serious reward coming your way! What grace I see at work in you. Press on until your assignment from the Lord is complete gang.
ReplyDeleteLove you Trace!!! xxxooo (sorry everyone for making out with my wife on this blog--LOL)
Hey Dad,
ReplyDeleteGood to get your text today! Thanks for working so hard to serve the people in Haiti - you really are an example to us back home and I can't wait to see what God does in the coming months after you get back home!
To God be the Glory! We are so encouraged to see the body reaching out to those in need. Can't wait to hear stories of how the Gospel went forth and changed lives while you were there! Stay Strong!
Hi Lou,
ReplyDeleteHolding our Grandson and showing him pictures of his Poppy working in Haiti!
Love you bunches!
Gammy and Shane
Hi Dave,
ReplyDeleteCaleb misses Pop Pop and sends xo. thank you for serving Haiti.
Thanx for all the updates it really really helps with praying for all of you!
Wow it is so good to hear what God is doing through the team and the grace that he is pouring out.After reading the last update and the comments the verses that came to mind were 2Corth. 12:9-10 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses so that the power of Christ my rest upon me. For the sake of Christ then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions,and calamities. For when I am weak then I am strong" Thank you all for serving the Lord! Steve- I love you and was so thankful to hear your voice today! Rachel and Anna glad to be able to talk with you hope you are journaling all that God is doing! LOVE YOU ALL XOXOXOXO
ReplyDeleteAmy B.
I am so glad to read about all that God is doing in Haiti! Bad news for Mike V. your team lost but they had good support. Daddy it was good to hear your voice today! Thank you for calling! Anna and Rachie it would be nice to hear from you but no no I have to be at work when you all call :( but I hope to hear from yoiu before you come home! I love you all! To the team, God is working through you all and He is going to be glorified in your time in Haiti! LOVE YOU ALL!
ReplyDelete~SARAH B.
From Janet Fonda:
ReplyDeleteHere's an old poem that came to mind as i was reading the above posts:
"Measure your life by loss and not by gain, Not by the wine drunk but by the wine poured forth. For love's strength is found in love's sacrifice, And he who suffers most has most to give." ~Mrs. L.B. Cowman
You have two more days - finish strong!
Hi CB, miss ya lots! Stormy is going berserk but i guess she will still be a resident here upon your return...hopefully :)
Thank you all for serving so well! We have heard great reports about what the Lord is doing.
ReplyDeleteLisa S. we love you very much and can't wait to see you.
Steve have you been able to talk with Barb about any updates on Nate's family? Love you and praying for your day!